Did You Know...
... ever since the beginning of time mankind has regarded the apple as a source of vitality and a fruit that helps people to retain their good looks and good health...
... apples have a calming effect and moderate the appetite; reducing the incidence of stomach cancer and increasing the flow of bile, transforming it into bilious acids; thus helping to prevent the formation of gallstones...
... eating apples can not only change the quantity but also the proportion of several fatty acids that circulate in the body, helping to prevent the formation of polychronic crystals...
.... eating apples and drinking apple juice its considerably effective for curing skin problems, due above all to uric acid being diluted and eliminated in great part. Apples really clean the blood...

... apples help to improve bowel movement....

... apples improve the condition of people that suffer from type 2 diabetes, since they balance blood sugar levels,  and are also highly recommended for people that suffer from mental problems. The key to their healing properties is in the high concentration of flavonoids and antioxidants, in the same way as the grape...

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